11:17 AM Posted by Kathir

Many people want to earn money online and expect that to happen in one night. But that is not possible. Because you can never get anything that easily in life. So the next question that arises "Is it that difficult to earn money through blogging?" No!!! So, what is the answer? Simple!! You just put some hard work and you can earn money!! First you need to know what are the ways to make money with a blog. So in this post let me tell you the various ways to make money.
Earn through PPC(Paid Per Click)
The first thing that comes into our mind when we think we need to make money with our blog is Google Adsense. These are ads which are automatically displayed by Google. When people click them, u earn money(a percentage of the original cost paid by the advertiser). Though I have not tried them, I heard both positive and negatives about them. Few of friends make good money through them while few do not make even a cent and one of my fellow bloggers made 100$ and at the time of payment he was banned for some reason. So that will be really hurting. But I am sure if you have enough traffic and have the right content, you can end up getting a lot of money.
Advantage is that they display ads relevant to the content which many other sites do not. Other alternatives to Adsense will be Bidvertiser, Adbrite, LinkWorth, PogAds and many more.... I recommend LinkWorth because they have the best services and also the payments are sent on time.
Earn through Affiliate Sponsors
Another way to make money is through using affiliate ads. These are usually linked to a product. If someone buys a product via your blog, then you get a % of the sale. The most popular affiliate program is Amazon, who may give upto 6% of a sale. Other alternatives are WidgetBucks, Chitika and so on... I recommend you to try Amazon!!!Earn through Paid PostsThis method will make good amount if you are person who write original content. It needs good command over the language you write. People who copy and paste contents from other sites will not make any cent through this method. If you are interested in this, you can make easy cash through PayPerPost. Other alternatives would be SponsoredReviews,Smorty,Blogvertise and so on. I recommend you to join PayPerPost.
Earn through Private Ads
Another way for bloggers to make money is through selling ads directly to sponsors. This means there is no intermediary like Google to collect a percentage of what you made. You may also get a higher return because the advertiser can better target his ad. Though this process looks very simple, it is very difficult to get an advertiser who will publicize his ads in your blog because your blog can never have a traffic like Yahoo or Google. But still if you spend time and search in your niche, you may get one!!!


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